The Board of Directors is elected annually by the membership and is the decision-making body of The King's Daughters.

There are currently 12 members of The King's Daughters' Board of Directors.  They meet monthly (excluding July & November) on the last Thursday of the month.  Meetings are by invitation only.  Agenda items may be submitted to the office staff no later than 10 days prior to each meeting and will be subject to the President's review.  

Communication between the KD Board, KD Office Staff, and the membership is maintained through KD Connect meetings, Board Liaisons, the publication of The Circular newsletter, and KD E-Blasts.

Board members are elected at the June Membership Meeting for a one year term.  Members may be re-elected each year and may serve up to nine consecutive terms.  Members are required to complete a statement of understanding upon election to the Board of Directors as well as fulfilling an annual self-evaluation.  Nominations are accepted October-February of each year.

Click here to review the KD Board Statement of Understanding.

Click here for KD Board Nominating criteria and application form.


Nominations are due into the KD office by February 15th.