Circle Information
Event Contact Information
Event Description
Business name

Number of volunteers involved in this project and hours worked:

Please email event photos to for inclusion in the Circular, the KD annual report, Facebook posts, Annual Recognition slide show, etc.

Financial Report

Income less Expenses
To benefit CHKD
Please submit check with Project II Completion Form to KD office.
Sponsor Name/Business - Cash or In-Kind - Donation Value

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Please submit this completed form along with check for the total profit of your project to the KD office within 30 days of project completion. Presentation may be made at next KD Connect Meeting if it falls within 30 days of the completion of the project. A Mock check presentation may also be arranged. Call the KD office if you have any questions. (See Leaders’ Manual for further information on “Project Approval Process” and “Project Completion Process”)